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Peru aftermath reflections..

Subject: Peru aftermath reflections..
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 08:02:52 EDT
After talking with some people at the event, something that might have been 
overlooked but maybe should have been thought of...In light of what happened 
with the Neons, and then the other near miss probably would 
have been nice to ask Sam if he needed some time to get his thoughts, nerves 
and what all else happens from almost being hit by the same situation.  He 
told me he was brought up right away to the other side without time to get 
himself together after going through that situation.  He told me it scared 
him quite a bit and going out right after isn't quite a situation most people 
wuld want to do...nor do I think that is a wise idea with the person being a 
wreck, nervous, shaking and adrenaline all out of wack.  I can't imagine 
trying to put in any type of good run after something like that.

Also, after hearing some of the cone stories of appearing non-existent cones, 
and non apearing existing cones, maybe if someone's work assignment after 
each car finishes is to confirm the number of cones hit by that car with 
radio and might help eliminate some of the back tracking timing 
has to do to check on where and who's cone it was etc...

Just suggestions after listening to the behind the scenes please 
no flaming..

Jean Kinser

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