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Re: MaSnitch and All That Stuff

To: Paul Foster <>
Subject: Re: MaSnitch and All That Stuff
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 21:33:08 -0500
Paul (and others)

You don't "subscribe" to the Safety Belt and it's not a "new"
newsletter.  The Safety Belt dates back to the days when Art Trier was
chairman of the National Solo Safety Committee.  It's sent out
(hopefully on a quarterly basis) to every licensed SCCA Solo Safety
Steward.  It sort of died when Art left the SSC.  I brought it back to
life in '97 (?) with lots of help and encouragement from Paige
Wagner.  However, it died again at the end of '98 when Paige left the
SCCA and went to work for a Vermont ski lodge.  Now I'm working to
bring it back again.

There are two ways to get your hands on a copy of the Safety Belt. 
First, become a Solo II Safety Steward yourself.  Or, second, ask one
of the Solo II Safety Stewards in your region if you can see a copy of
his/her newsletter.

We WANT this thing to get as broad of a dissemination as possible. But
we also want to keep the cost inline.

As for the risk management info, we're asking for it, too.  Anything
we get that could possibly benefit the rest of the Solo community,
we'll pass along in the Safety Belt.

There's nothing secret about the Safety Belt.  We (the members of the
SSC) want to pass along everything we possibly can to the entire Solo
community.  If you, or anybody else, has a safety concern, we want to
hear from you.  The next issue of the Safety Belt will contain contact
information for every member of the SSC.  If you don't have access to
that information, just relay it to me and I'll share it with the rest
of the SSC.

Thanks for your safety concerns.  We look forward to working with you
and any other SCCA member in any way we possibly can.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Paul Foster wrote:
> And now that we are on the subject of free dissemination of
> information that may save or lives and/or vehicles, how do I subscribe
> to this new Safety Steward newsletter and get copies of all the Risk
> Management reports? ;-)
> Paul Foster

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