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Re: Solo II withdrawal - Warning - long, rambling, meaningless dr ivel

Subject: Re: Solo II withdrawal - Warning - long, rambling, meaningless dr ivel
From: Stephen Bernard <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 14:13:39 -0400
On Mon, 22 May 2000 10:49:50 -0500 "Linnhoff, Eric"
<> writes:
> I left foot braked (by putting my shoe-clad left foot on 
> > the ground) got plenty of oversteer and drift but made it. Somehow 
> I 
> > returned to my car, finished the auto-x in it and then compared 
> times
> to others. 
> > The on-foot slalom had really lost me time :-)
> And I thought I was the only one who had dreams like
> that. ;-)
> =============================
> Geez you guys.  The nitrous is supposed to go into your engine, not 
> you.

Ooooooh, that expalins it. ;-)

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata (B-Stock)

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