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Re: G-analyst, geez, etc. info

To: Jeffrey Lloyd <>
Subject: Re: G-analyst, geez, etc. info
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 13:51:09 -0700
Thanks for your enthusiasm, Jeff, but right now we haven't contemplated 
a full GEEZ package for CE.  While it remains a possibility, it hasn't 
yet graduated to the point of being something we make excuses for, and 
write wild concocted stories about to avert attention from it's late 
arrival.  If we get to that point, however, we'll be glad to let you 

In the mean time, I'm really hopeful to see the CE download software 
come around shortly.  It's being programmed by one of our users, and 
looks promising to have it shortly.



Jeffrey Lloyd wrote:
> Byron,
> I just got done setting up my new CE handheld, and these things have come a
> long way.. I must BEG for you to port the entire Geez software package to
> the CE platform. the ability to review my performance on site is just too
> tempting, and IMHO too valuable to pass up. if I can offer any assistance
> please feel free to ask... and using this 133Mhz powered machine for mere
> data collection would be a shame...
> Thanks
> Jeff
> Byron wrote:
> Subject: Re: G-analyst, geez, etc. info
> And if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to call...

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