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Re: Geez / Palm Pilot

To: "Larry R. Metz" <>, Craig Blome <>
Subject: Re: Geez / Palm Pilot
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 17:55:18 -0500
At 03:18 PM 12/24/99 -0500, Larry R. Metz wrote:
>I am just trying to setup a plam pilot with geez.  Got any easy
>directions etc.???  

IF you print and read the many pages of directions, the whole thing
actually becomes clear :-)

I hope to be able to download it after runs to a
>laptop for review between runs?  We did use geez some last summer, put a
>laptop in a little vee, but had problems with it going off before the
>run actually started,

Experience and some input from Byron has resulted in the following settings
for my FF:

Autostart g: 0.60
Autostop g: 0.10
Autotop duration: 3 seconds
Min Run:  20 seconds

 and could not find a way to comfortably review the
>runs between runs, only after the day of running, which sort of defeats
>the purposes of seeking to improve runs while competing.  We are hoping
>that the palm will permit easier access.

I don't review runs until I get home (no laptop and really no time at the
event anyway). I have found, however, that with some decent notes regarding
driving and car variables and keeping track of times for each run that it
is actually very useful to review the runs at home the next and subsequent
evenings. For those of use, like you, who are experienced autocrossers, the
clock and whether we over or under drove, missed a shift, etc. tell us most
of what we need to know at the event. What geez does is tell us exactly
where we improved or went slower since a typical run has some of both and
all the clock tells us is the sum total.

Practice downloads from runs on your desk/table with the g cube acting like
a mouse. The data won't make sense, but it will give you something to

Holler if you have other questions.

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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