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Re: Geez / Palm Pilot

To: Craig Blome <>
Subject: Re: Geez / Palm Pilot
From: "Larry R. Metz" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 15:18:08 -0500
I am just trying to setup a plam pilot with geez.  Got any easy
directions etc.???  I hope to be able to download it after runs to a
laptop for review between runs?  We did use geez some last summer, put a
laptop in a little vee, but had problems with it going off before the
run actually started, and could not find a way to comfortably review the
runs between runs, only after the day of running, which sort of defeats
the purposes of seeking to improve runs while competing.  We are hoping
that the palm will permit easier access.

I am open to suggestions etc.  So far down loading from the palm is not
a simple task per our few attempts, and loading files onto the palm a
challenge, but then I did not read the directions, tried to wing it, and
was not real successful, so will resort to reading them carefully.

Larry #66 solo vee

Craig Blome wrote:
> I'm not a Geez owner but do have a PalmPilot, so take
> with the usual grain of salt:
> Geez should work with any PalmPilot Professional or
> newer--details at
> <>.  The Palm
> IIIe is the least expensive still in production
> (street price ~$175).  I'd make friends with a
> technophile who buys the latest and greatest and pick
> up their old one when they upgrade!  :)
> Now, Motorola has just intro'd a new CPU chip in the
> "DragonBall" family that powers the Palm series, and
> it supports color LCD displays.  I don't have any
> insider info (and wouldn't tell _you_ lot if I did! ;)
> but it's reasonable to speculate that color Palms
> aren't far down the road, which might allow Byron to
> do some new tricks with the software.  FWIW.
> Happy holidays,
> Craig B.
> --- David Shreve <> wrote:
> > I am about to purchase a palm pilot or palm top in
> > an effort to make myself
> > more organize.  I also have the intent of using it
> > for Geez data collection.
> >   With that in mind, what models should I be
> > considering?
> >

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