As far as the "frugality" issue, the cost of parts for an MGB is probably lower
than for any of the cars they listed, with the possible exception of the Bow-Tie
Truk (you can buy Chebby parts at the grocery store). Last thing I had to
replace on the MGB was an alternator (Imagine that! The first one only lasted
27 years!) which cost something like 129 bucks. I don't have any experience
buying Nissan or Bimmer parts, but I doubt they're cheap. And, as far as buying
ANYTHING for a Peugeot these days, I bet just locating somebody that admits to
selling 'em can be a trick.
I tried to count my spare change, to see if I had enough to buy tires, but the
people that owned the vending machine didn't like me opening it up, and they
seemed to think that some other people had also put money in the thing. They
also seemed to think that ALL the money in the machine was THEIRS now. Da Noive
of some folks!!!!
JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB
"Linnhoff, Eric" <> on 12/14/99 08:30:14 AM
Please respond to
To: JD Kemp/YM/RWDOE, "''" <>
cc: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Car-O-Scope
The Oracle did, however, take exception to my "frugality" and say that was a
problem as far as
owning an MG.
Now wait a cotton pickin' minute. How in the world can the owner of a
British car be called "frugal" or cheap? Don't you spend all of your spare
time and spare change (what's that?) just trying to keep the car out of a
salvage yard?
More on that "spare change" thing. Last night I did a preliminary count on
my spare change collection and came up with an estimated amount of over
$500. More than enough for a fresh set of rubber next spring.
Here's what I do to "save" money for this kind of annual expenditure. I
have four empty gallon cider jugs into which at the end of each day I
segregate all of my loose change by denomination. BTW, the nice ladies at
the bank love to see me coming each year with four full cider jugs of change
for them to count. :^)
Anyway, has anyone else notoced the predominance of Bimmers in these
Car-o-scopes? I make too much money for a Neon but they suggest a BMW 528
and an Acura Vigor? And they call me twisted. Sheesh. ;^)
See you on course.
Eric Linnhoff in KC
#69 DS #13 TLS
And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through
"Changes" by David Bowie