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RE: Car-O-Scope: Can you care too much?

Subject: RE: Car-O-Scope: Can you care too much?
From: "Jeff Lloyd" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 04:55:16 GMT
Kelly don't forget the change in the center console, I allways say to 
myself, "Self, you should take the change out of the center console"
sure enough I forget and it ALLWAYS finds it's way between my Right foot and 
the gas pedal...  and after the first turn I go to get on the gas and my 
foot slips up, pile driving my shin into the bottom of the dashboard, 

Jeff Lloyd
AKA Oscar the grouch

>From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
>Reply-To: "Kelly, Katie" <>
>To: Gerald Chen <>
>Subject: RE: Car-O-Scope: Can you care too much?
>Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 20:30:43 -0800
>Gerald Chen writes...
> >I have a feeling it has to do with that "How clean do you keep your car"
> >question. Maybe we're all neat freaks or we're just too used to the
> >autocross rules of having no loose objects in the car. :)
>Wait, what? No loose objects? Is that a RULE? Shoot. I coulda been
>disqualified a WHOLE lot easier if Kevin just looked IN my car. :)
>Katie "no neat freak" Kelly

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