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Birthday Spam for an Old Fartz!

To: <>
Subject: Birthday Spam for an Old Fartz!
From: "Bob Fogt" <>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:50:42 -0600
Hi, all.
It has recently been called to my attention that a well-known
autocross pal of ours is about to cross over the line into what I
think can safely be called Official Old Fartzdom!  (Or OOF! for
short.)  A couple of hints: He was the first ever Driver To Nationals
Scholarship recipient; He drives one of those little British cars that
lets light through the body where he's sanded away the paint; He owns
one of the most enviable garages hereabouts; He's always willing to
let local pals come by to borrow a tool, but only if he can get his
hands dirty helping out; He's a suspension guru, rules interpreter,
and veritable archive of historical motorsports trivia; He's worked as
long and as hard as anyone to help the sport of autocross in our area;
And damn if he isn't turning FIFTY!!!

In case you haven't guessed by now, please join me in flooding Phil
Ethier's mailbox with good wishes.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PHIL!!!

Bob Fogt

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