At 11:39 AM 11/12/99 , said:
>After reading this, I would never read another review from this guy in a
>million years.
I was thinking of titling my email "People who just don't get it".
>- This gentleman clearly doens't understand anything about powerbands. He
>wants to get slapped into the back of his seat from a standing start by a
>normally asperated 2.0l? Does he realize all the power is above 7000RPM?
I doubt he ever got the car past the VTEC switch-over.
>- He complaines about the lack of an automatic??!?!? HAHAHA!
>- The throws are too short?!?!? Pllllease....
>- Obviously too much of a 'performance' vehicle for him - I wonder how
>his 3rd gen RX-7 article read!
Actually, I think this may be the first review I've ever seen for a sports
car. He normally reviews sedans and family vehicles. His lack of
experience is very obvious.
Just remember that what he writes about are what normal people want. And
why 50% of the vehicles sold are SUVs now. We are definitely the minority.
Bradley Lamont