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Re: Looking for Jobby Job!!

Subject: Re: Looking for Jobby Job!!
From: Brian Priebe <>
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 15:45:33 -0500

"Linnhoff, Eric" wrote:

> Thank you, Byron. I agree. Your car sucks. So does mine.
> Just don't get a Miata, Brian.
> Katie
> =======================
> Here's a thought.  Why doesn't Brian get one of the "new" C Stock Miatas?
> Eh?
> So Brian, guess you'd better learn the phrase "would you like fries with
> that?"  ;^)
> See you on course.

You guys are all right!!!  Miatas do suck!!! :-)  But the MR-S looks pretty

--Brian Priebe

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