> Unfortunately the car was so out of shape before it got to the wall not much
> IMO would have helped.Gravel pits would not have slowed him down
> significantly and may have even flipped the car high enough to go over the
> wall. Tirewall likely would have shot him back across the track endangering
> the other drivers.
I disagree about the tire wall, particularly when you consider the
concrete wall didn't have to be that close to the track in the first
place. Ironically, it was there to protect the emergency vehicles
sitting right behind it...
> However other tracks around the world have done various things to slow the
> cars down before they hit the barriers, Daytona for instance has increased
> the amount of paved area on the apron to allow cars to scrub off more speed
> before contacting the wall. A show that was on TLC showed some track
> designs that used ARMCO over foamblocks that would disipate the energy when
> struck, others used sand barrels and water barrels. the question in my mind
> is do we really need these cars to go 230mph to have a good race?
This is the essence of the problem, particularly when you consider
Paul Foster