With all this talk (waste of time) about changing out dated rules and adding
more classes, I would like to add my $ .02. Everyone else is, why not waste
more of everyone else's time.
I suggest the following classes:
SFC Class (sub-frame connector class)
SB Class (sway bar class)
STU (street turbo unlimited class) wait a minute, that is a class, just not
Nationally recognized - deal with it.
V Class (vette class)
Here are some of my personal ones:
TR Class (type R class)
N Class (neon class) oh, wait minute we already have that, sorry.
AFTM Class (anything faster than me class) - really a personal favorite of mine
AU Class (alignment unlimited class) I did it again, look at N Class or
anything made by Toyota
My point, besides adding some humor is, if you do not like the rules you can
petition for changes but do it for the correct reasons not just to satisfy a
few peoples selfish needs. If the rules do not fit your car, then maybe you
need to get another car. Every car made in the world will not be competitive
unless everyone has their own class.
Many people haven given the "sway bar" people options to go to ST. My personal
feeling is your messing with a class I like the way it is, Stock Class. Go
somewhere else and change your sway bars, but leave stock class alone.
Lloyd Wilson
100K Racing
93 Prelude VTEC - FWD and I need no stinking sway bar change, Honda did it
right the first time.