Contact Rob Gregg < [ I think] >. I saw his
software used at the Sunday Nationals warm-up. Very impressive. As
long you kept track of what staged (maybe three or four cars, you can
do more) it sorted by class, showed how far out the finished car was
to everything else in its respective class, its class position, and
other cool stuff. It took an output from a J.A.Circuits timer, so the
time automatically dumped into the laptop's screen. It looked fairly
simple to use. Overrides (additional pylons, unlisted driver(s), bad
driver/car info) were easy to add/change. I think Bruce (El Verde Dot)
Wetzell watched it run and decided on the spot to get it for his
region. Cost was I think $195. Contact John Carriere for pricing on a
J.A.Circuits timer < >
Matt Murray
-----Original Message-----
From: Karl A. Rickert <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, September 23, 1999 11:13 PM
Subject: Autocross Timing/Scoring Software
>After several attempts at deciphering other peoples hand writing, its
>time to do some serious looking for autocross timing/scoring
>Has anyone written a simple program or Excel spreadsheet that I could
>a look at or try out? What programs are out there for purchase?
>Software needs to be able to run on a 486 with win95.