> The existing cars are really pretty well matched
I have to disagree with this. I run a Beretta, which isn't very popular for
autoxing, and I feel out classed in GS. If anyone cares to know the 3.1L V6
Beretta's make 140hp@5000 and 185lbs/ft@2500 (approximately the numbers are
right, just not sure on the RPM's kinda going off of seat of the pants feel
on those) and the car weighs 3000lbs. Now this yeilds 21lbs/hp and
16lbs/(lbs/ft). I personally am not looing forward to these cars being
moved into GS, as right now the Type R is about the only thing that is
overall better than a Beretta.
I have a question though. In a stock class of racing what joy does one get
from winning with a car that is KNOWN to be better than all the other cars
in it? I would think it would be an empty victory, and believe me I know
about those. I have won one kart track championship cuz of attendance, and
I am about to win another. They are meaningless. To tell you the truth, I
treasure my 5th place championship finish more than either of my
championships. You know why? I had to work for it! I missed a race and
lost 120points to the leaders and ended up less than 100 behind by the end
of the season. Just my $1.50.....Later all.