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Re: Earning Trophies? Nope.

To: Mark Shaw <>
Subject: Re: Earning Trophies? Nope.
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 14:31:47 -0400
Mark Shaw wrote:
> The problems you state are a result of sticking rigidly to the
> Appendix B.  I have never advocated that approach (while several
> people have inferred that I do).  By "volunatry bumping" I mean
> that you let the entrant decide to which of the valid classes
> they could move to (i.e. ES Golf to DSP to EP to DM).

In that case, I'd humbly submit that you should call it something other
than "bumping".  That's not what most of us think as bumping.  You just
mean selecting any legal class for the car, even if the car is not
prepared to the limit of the rules of the category.

The use of the word "bumping" is why people infer that you're talking
about Appendix B.

In other words, you're not advocating running an Audi Quattro in CM.
Do I have that right?


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