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Re: Drivers Ed and Timing

To: "autocross" <>
Subject: Re: Drivers Ed and Timing
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 12:44:45 -0400
Paul C. wrote:

> what do you do about in car video cameras?

As far as I'm aware, they are allowed if mounted securely.  I see what
you're getting at - turn on the clock on the display, and poof, you can
watch the video and calculate your times to within a second or so.  That's a
possibility I hadn't considered.

Paul F. wrote:

> Is this true of all BMWCCA events or just your region's?

It's true of the Boston and White Mountain chapters as well.

>I have only run into one PCA region that didn't want me to use a
>stopwatch and that was under extenuating circumstances at Watkins Glen.
>At most PCA events I have been to there are 3 or 4 different timing
>transmitters at the S/F line for those who have Hot Lap type devices.

As someone else mentioned, it's up to the organizers of the school to
determine how it's run, and ya gotta play by their rules.  If PCA permits
and even assists with timing, that's certainly their choice.  I understand
that various PCA regions have had A LOT of difficulty in obtaining insurance
coverage as being a high performance driving school.  My theory (and it's
only a theory) is that BMW CCA is so strict about timing specifically to
allow the insurance coverage.

>OTOH, no _official_ timed results are taken because that would make it a
>Time Trial instead of a DE. I happen to agree with the DE philosophy,
>but I happen to disagree with banning stopwatches. It is the best way to
>evaluate your progress. Do you try to stop spectators from timing cars

I believe that ANYONE timing a car gets asked to leave.  I certainly
understand your perspective - the best way to measure improvement is your
lap time.  That's how I measure my improvements at autox, or improvements I
make to the car.  But in a school the focus is on learning the techniques.
When you nail turn 3 in a way that would make Boris Said proud, you know
it - you don't need a lap time to tell you that.

>Also, if you clearly state your policy on the entry form I have no
>problem with this since I would decide ahead of time if it was worth the
>efort to attend your DE without being able to judge myself. I just don't
>want to find out the day of the event. if that happens I guarantee you I
>_will_ be pissed since most DEs are weekend affairs with a sizeable
>investment on my part to atttend.

On every entry form I've seen, the timing policy is specifically spelled out
about as clearly as I can think of (and, being a technical writer for a
living, I'm a professional at spelling things out clearly :) )  I agree, it
would be a MAJOR bummer to make the investment for the weekend, then get
kicked out without a refund because you didn't know you couldn't time at a
racetrack, an assumption one would normally make.  This has to be made
crystal clear if this is the policy that will be in place.

    - Justin
      not an instructor - maybe someday :)

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