<<<As a BMW CCA instructor, I can assure you that the use of a timing
at a BMW school will terminate your participation. I may be sucking an
egg--you will be driving home. No refund on the entry fee.
We cannot jeopardize our insurance for the few that feel the rules do
apply to them.>>>
Is this true of all BMWCCA events or just your region's?
I have only run into one PCA region that didn't want me to use a
stopwatch and that was under extenuating circumstances at Watkins Glen.
At most PCA events I have been to there are 3 or 4 different timing
transmitters at the S/F line for those who have Hot Lap type devices.
OTOH, no _official_ timed results are taken because that would make it a
Time Trial instead of a DE. I happen to agree with the DE philosophy,
but I happen to disagree with banning stopwatches. It is the best way to
evaluate your progress. Do you try to stop spectators from timing cars
Also, if you clearly state your policy on the entry form I have no
problem with this since I would decide ahead of time if it was worth the
efort to attend your DE without being able to judge myself. I just don't
want to find out the day of the event. if that happens I guarantee you I
_will_ be pissed since most DEs are weekend affairs with a sizeable
investment on my part to atttend.
Paul Foster
BTW, I am also an instructor so that doesn't impress me too much. ;-)