Are you insinuating, sir, that my wee little British beastie would do
such a thing as leak oil?!?!? As the sign on the back says, "All
parts falling off this car are of the finest english workmanship!"
John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman wrote:
> John, please do not blame this incident on alleged inferiority. It is not
> Huck & CHuck's fault that our decals have good taste. The decal obviously
> managed to free itself from your car (probably because it was applied over
> oil that had leaked out of that high quality British motor), looking for a
> more sporting ride. Obviously, it found the sweeper more attractive. Its
> twin obviously found one of the few panels NOT covered with oil...
> Our lawyer, Nathan Therm, of Lye, Cheete, Steele, Gannif, Swindell & Finagel
> will be in touch with you soon. Or, you can just send the settlement check
> to our accounting firm, Dewey, Cheatem & Howe.
> CHuck
> (Old Fartz #3)