>I can tell you in stock class with 130hp it is not that competitive a car.
The Escorts, with some notable exceptions, generally aren't. They don't
have the potential of a Neon, Civic Si, or even a Saturn coupe to begin
with, nor do they have nearly as much of an aftermarket as these cars to
soup them up.
>I thought initially that the low torque (111 lb/ft) and high rpm power
>would hinder these cars in autocrossing, but they must be geared right
>because they are doing quite well.
The low torque may hinder the car in regular street driving, but in autox
you keep the revs up in its happy 5000-8000 range (or whatever it is on that
car) that engages the second more aggressive cam that really puts the power
on. Don't try this at home, boys and girls - the '86 BMW 325i I drove last
weekend redlines at 4500! :)
>All IMHO of course.
That's the only way to be. :)
- Justin