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Towing Mailing List ( was Re: RV help )

To: Josh Sirota <>
Subject: Towing Mailing List ( was Re: RV help )
From: Dave Hillman <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 12:55:30 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 26 May 1999, Josh Sirota wrote:
> If anyone wants to offer any other advice about RVs, I'd love to hear
> it!  But it's probably best done as a personal message to me (and I'll
> summarize if there's interest), rather than bombing the whole list with
> non-autocross content.

   Or how about using the Towing Mailing List?

   Every automotive mailing list I have been on has these sort of
questions, but there doesn't seem to be any place where they really
belong.  So I just set up the Towing Mailing List.  This should be
classified as an experiment, but maybe it will be useful to folks.

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  • Towing Mailing List ( was Re: RV help ), Dave Hillman <=