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Re: Magnetic #'s

To: Dan J Hill <>
Subject: Re: Magnetic #'s
From: washburn <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 21:23:06 -0500
I get this sometimes.  Avoid this by putting a generous layer of wax on
the contact side of all your magnetics.  Leave the wax on.  Don't leave
the magnets on for more than 2 days after a rain.  

Dan J Hill wrote:
> The last event I raced at was raining when I arrived and I quickly
> toweled the sides of the car before putting on my magnetic #'s.  It
> rained a bit more that morning then stopped in the early afternoon.  I
> took the numbers off and noticed a mottled pattern on the car.  After I
> got home I washed the sides and the pattern stayed.  I even waxed it and
> it stayed.  I used a fine paint cutter and it comes off that way but what
> happened??  The car was waxed before hand.?????

Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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