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Re: Neon wheel size

To: Jeff Blankenship <>
Subject: Re: Neon wheel size
From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 08:33:13 -0500
Jeff I appreciate all of your research, sound like you really know Neon's.
However, you have not answered my question. Has the SEB approved the changes you
say are legal? I do not read the rules the way you are applying them. If some 
follows your advice will they pass a protest? Please note that your and my
opinions are meaningless in a protest enviornment.

I thought we would get more response from other Neon owners since they are so 
of them. I really do not have a personal interest in this car or class, just
curious about your interpertation of the rules. You may be correct, however you
may not be too. Has anyone tested  this and passed a protest, or recd. a
clarification from the SEB?


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