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ProSolo version of GEEZ!

Subject: ProSolo version of GEEZ!
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 23:42:12 -0700
For those GEEZ users attending the ProSolo this weekend in Petersburg, 
there's a new GEEZ.EXE up on the website which allows multiple downloads 
from a single AutoStart. We tested this at the Peru Pro and had a couple 
of kinks with it, but we believe we have those ironed out.  

The advantage here is simple--with this feature you can now set your 
AutoStart in the grid and capture all four of your runs without having 
to save and exit each run individually.  

To get it just go to our website at and 
follow the links to the Download page.  

--Byron Short
  Extreme GEEZ!, Inc.

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  • ProSolo version of GEEZ!, Byron Short <=