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Re: Scotty's Press Releases

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Scotty's Press Releases
From: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:18:06 -0700
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 10:35 AM
Subject: Scotty's Press Releases

>This isn't a complaint. :)

   Whew! Dodged the bullet ;-)

>I noticed that Scotty sent another one of his "press releases" about the
>race side of his career to the list this weekend, and I couldn't help but
>who the intended audience was.

   Well, actualy .net doesn't get them all and I have tried to send them
with a *delete if you hat this* note in subject line if it pertains in no
way to this list. The last one also contained info about a former and
current A/Xer doin good so I thought it related. We have also set up a list
that deals only with this stuff if anyone is interested and wants more info
about what we are doing they can get it there. We are only touchin the
surface on the posts we send to this list. Believe it or not I have only
recieved one complaint, uhhh make that 1&1/2 from a different list, uhhhh,
you said you weren't complaining right?

   Do to these posts I have met with several listers from w2w, .net, ZR-1
net etc... at these races. Many of our list members are race workers too.
Many are interested in road racin and like to get closer to it when they
know a regular goof is doin it with some success.

   We are not lookin for money, just publicity and awarness and moral
support which in turn pas off for our current and future sponsors. I feel
the posts are sparse enough that even if annoyed someone should be able to
delete without a flame, no? Hard to do when I am the author huh? ;-)

   Anyway, think about workin a potential sponsor and he has already heard
of you? Think it'd help? I do. Think it helps to be blamed for all the
people runnin Kumhos on the west coast? I do ;-) See where I am goin? Or
better yet, tryin to go?

   I have notived others doin it too, Hi Pablo ;-)

>Was this communication entirely for the benefit of the list, or is someone
>getting these too?
>My guess is that we're getting to see a copy of a document intended for
>distribution, as the writing style is a little more... formal than Scotty
>usual conversational idiom.
>So Scotty, who else is getting these? More importantly, does it work? Has
>anything ever happened (a magazine article, a TV blurb, whatever) because
of one
>of these releases?

   Yes, I think it helps as stated above. For the same reasons our cars are
flashy, first outing in the C5 and a great picture of it in Sports Car! Been
watchin Speedvision lately? Heard my name a few times? We haven't cashed the
big check yet but we hope it's comin... ;-)

If you want more info about MTI Racing type *subscribe* in the main body of
a message sent to


>I'm not trying to pick a fight, I genuinely want to know.

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