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Re: Flip Over at Route 666

To: "Benjamin D Thatcher" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Flip Over at Route 666
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 22:24:49 -0500
Ben "You're Phil Ethier.  You're Phil Ethier!" Thatcher sez:

>1. People who weren't there shouldn't jump to conclusions

I have read things written by people who were there.  Until I see opposite
things written by other people who were there, the only conclusion I can
come to is that the event was too fast for SCCA Solo2 regs.

>2. Often people's attempts to cut down the speed at an event by putting
>in offsets makes the course MORE likely to see property damage. Those
>high speed offsets can and do cause high speed spins.

Bingo.  On most courses of this style (and the Dakota County site currently
in use in the Twin Cities is also this way) it is not possible to safely
slow down a car which is going too fast.  The only hope is to prevent the
car from going too fast in the first place.  If you can't find a way to do
this, face the fact that the site is just not suitable for autocross use.

>As to your mention of high speed straight leading to 90 degree turn with
>25' to curb, these are especially bad IF someone has put a little kink in
>just before that 90 so the braking zone isn't straight.

Bingo again.  Same problem.  You can't safely slow them down, so you must
devise a way to prevent them from getting so fast in the first place.

Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
Lotus Europa, VW Quantum Syncro, Chev Suburban

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