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Re: Flip Over at Route 666

Subject: Re: Flip Over at Route 666
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 18:36:19 EDT writes:

>  I'm a lot more concerned about personal injury than property damage. A
>  crunched fender or a munched wheel and suspension from a curb are not
>  causes for alarm. 

I strongly believe that the vast majority of autocrossers disagree with this 
statement, including myself.  If we weren't worried about physical damage, or 
the cost thereof, many of us would be getting tons more seat time road racing 
rather than spending *all* day baking in a parking lot for 3 minutes of seat 
time.  I also doubt that very many site owners would be comfortable with 
property damage considering their potential liability for personal injury, 
either.  Anyone who doesn't think the two go potentially hand-in-hand is 
kidding themself.  

I'm not advocating slowing everything down, but I certainly don't believe in 
taking unnecessary risks; curbs only 25 ft dead ahead of max speed braking 
zones, poles/curbs in spin-off range, etc.  Property and/or physical damage 
is *never* acceptable under any circumstance.

"Better safe than sorry" is a phrase that anyone who has ever experienced 
being *sorry* can appreciate. Safety requires foresight; hindsight is always 
too little, too late.

M Sipe

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