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RE: Subject: Re: Flip Over at Route 666

To: "'Benjamin D Thatcher'" <>,
Subject: RE: Subject: Re: Flip Over at Route 666
From: "Stevens, Kevin" <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 14:41:17 -0700
>Oh, and the old saw about speed kills seems to have seeped into autocross
>thinking. I guess we've heard if for so long that we just assume it's
>true. A relatively high speed straight with a straight braking zone
>leading into a solid corner isn't nearly as dangerous as some who think
>putting offsets and quick kinks before a slow corner will "slow things
>down." Often the autocross "cure" is worse than the disease.

That's not really the point, though.  The point is that SCCA Solo II is sold
to insurance vendors, participants, and site purveyors as having certain
risk characteristics.  One of those is a speed limit, another is minimum
runoff distance.  We'd damn well better start paying attention to ALL of


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