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Re: Alignment

Subject: Re: Alignment
From: Jason Bowles <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 21:19:57 -0400
Is there any relationship with toe to camber? if I have more neg camber 
less toe or vice versa? I have a neon that will be getting aligned tommorow 
-3 front -1 rear and 1/8th" toe out. With 225/50-13 hoosiers on 13x8's.


At 07:41 PM 4/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Mark Sirota wrote:
> >
> >
> > Assuming a car with reasonable ackerman (something close to 100%), then
> > adding static toe-out causes the inside front tire to turn too far.
> > This creates some drag around the inside front tire, which causes the
> > car to want to rotate around the inside front tire -- hence, quicker
> > turn in.
> >
> > I have no idea if this is a real effect, or if it's more or less
> > significant than the bushing preload that Mark mentions, but it makes
> > sense to me.
> >
>Interesting. I have recently been swayed to the belief (it didn't take
>too much - a McKamey instructor's exclamation) that my car has too much
>toe out and that is what causes me to have this "cliff" in the
>steering.  The symptoms, turn in, turn in, turn in, WHOA! It's like I
>just planted the inside tire.  I'm planning to change that the next time
>I get it aligned, but this is an interesting explanation which parallels
>my experience.  (This is the Miata, by the way)
>Kate Hughes
>Glen Region

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