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Ft. Myers, FL Saturday School/Practice changes.

To: (Autocross List)
Subject: Ft. Myers, FL Saturday School/Practice changes.
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 04:00:30 EDT
I thought I'd get this out to everyone immediately to let you know.-John

The following is from GCAC's President Dave Hutter

I hope that everybody reads this because I want to
explain about Saturday, May 1 and what and how we are
going to run things. First of all we will have open practice
all day, that's a morning session and afternoon session.
We also will have a Novice School the same day in the
morning, but it will be held at the far end that we don't use
for open practice
We have had a very good response to our schools and
if this new format works we can have 10 schools a year
plus 10 full days of Open Practice / Test and Tune a year.
We do however need some Help with instructors, this is a
very worthwhile and rewarding experience helping those
just getting started in autocrossing.  Instructors will also
get into the Test & Tune session at no charge. Please call
me, we really need some people to help out as instructors.
Good news, our Test & Tune course will now be a
benchmark course. This means it will always be the same
course so that you can try different ideas and compare the
results to other Test & Tune days, Just keep a log of your
results and you will be able to see what works and what
doesn't work. This is a new concept and we hope you like
the idea.

If you have been autocrossing for a few years we
need your help.  Remember how hard it seemed
when you first started. Don't you wish you would have
had a personal instructor to guide you thru. Well,
now is your chance to help someone else. Don't be
shy, call Dave Hutter today and offer your help......

See you Saturday!
John Taylor
webmaster@ <A HREF="";>GCAC Website</A> 

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