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RE: Killer tech inspector

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: RE: Killer tech inspector
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 02:28:20 -0500 (EST)

seems to me those guys need to figure out what they are testing for. Mayve
you should sic Gerstein on them!

wheel shake. the object is not to violently shake the car. It only takes a
small  and light shake of the wheel, really a push and a tug with not much
force, and what you are looking for is a telltale click which you might feel
or you might hear. If you shake the wheel roughly, you will set up so much
action and noise you will neither feel nor hear the signs of a loose wheel

Battery. The question is, is it firmly anchored, not whether a Herculean effort
can rip it loose from its moorings. If it is not firm, it will move with little
effort. If you jerk the battery, you impart to it the kind of force akin to
a collision, not that of a hard turn or hard braking. No matter how hard you
brake, your battery is going the same speed as the car and there is a
gradualness to the slowdown that means an anchored battery will generally
remain so.

--rocky Entriken

Patrick 507 wrote:

v  v  v  v  v
I have had trouble in the philly region with inspectors that feel they are
destructively testing the car.

Last year one inspector would grab the tire and shake the whole car then tell
me I needed wheel bearings.  He did this every week, even the week I
installed new bearing due to other work and had set the endplay with a dial

Last week, another jerked on my battery until he bent the factory sheet metal
battery box.  Then told me my battery was loose.  I had to do emergency
"Hammer" work to Get it back in shape.

Should send these folks repair bills!


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