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Re: Camera mounts for autocross

To: "Jeff Blankenship" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Camera mounts for autocross
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 16:52:03 -0400
>I hope that's not the case, since my wife gave me one for Christmas.  Its
>made by Hama in Germany, and if you don't believe suction/air pressure
>is good enough, you should see some of my video.  I even use an old
>8mm camera which is very bulky and heavy by today's standards, but it
>doesn't give this mount any challenge.  She got it from HMS Motorsport.
>I wouldn't have asked for it if several people on this list hadn't
>recommended it.

I saw exactly the mount you talked about when I was at HMS on Saturday.
Admittedly I didn't take a close look at it, and you have, so I'll take your
word for how well it sticks.  I was thinking of those radar detector mounts
that never stick.  However, you may want to check with officials at events
you run to see if they'll let you run with the camera hooked up.
Technically, it's not bolted down, and I'd hate to see you get DQed for
getting some excellent footage!

>One more word, you will need a wide-angle adapter for the camcorder, or
>else you won't be able to see what you're trying to steer at.  I bought
>a decent one from Coast to Coast, ultra wide 0.42 focal length multiplier.
>It rocks.

Thanks for the tip!

>There are several video cards with TV tuners and video inputs, they come
>software to create video files.  But the files are so big, you'd be smart
>to get a CD-R drive to save them to.  I can't be more specific than that
>since I haven't done it myself.

Actually a friend of mine probably has all this.  He has everything. :)

    - Justin

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