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Re: SO Class???

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: SO Class???
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:15:43 -0400
>See, that's IT! Nothing changes! It's just a new name!

Well, if nothing changes, and it's a new name, then what's the point?  There
has to be SOME difference for it to be worth having.  Something like
competitive/non-competitive.  Those who are in it to win go into
competitive.  Those who are just out to have a good time and see how they do
go into non-competitive.  This is different than your proposal, I realize,
since some (like you) are/were quite competitive within the Ladies category.
Still need names, though...  You're a writer, you can come up with
something. ;)

>And NO, it's not like TLS or TSOL. Those are seperate entities in which I
>have no significant interest.

Ah, I get it - you don't care about them, therefore they don't matter. >:)

    - Justin

P.S. I'm also a tech writer, and I can't come up with better names either!

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