How silly can it get?
I still want to run in C-Mod/Catholic
Mike B. TLS#1
Bill Fuhrmann wrote:
> > We were talking about how at the San Diego Tour a year ago, I, a
> > competitor
> > of 13 years, got to run Ladies, but my then boyfriend, Gumbo
> > Lambrusco (not
> > his real name), at his fifth autocross was pitted up against
> > George Doganis,
> > Kevin McCormick, and others. Gumbo thought this seemed backwards.
> If I was allowed to run in a national track event, would I be allowed to run
> against the women or would they make me run against other men?
> If women do not have an inherent disadvantage to men in autocross, why
> should they have their separate classes?
> > So, that's why some of us think we need to have a Significant
> > Others Class.
> > This isn't just my idea. A whole bunch of us thought of it, and darn it,
> > it's such a PC solution! It serves the same purpose of the Ladies
> > class, but
> > it's open to both genders.
> If you have trophies for this class, people will want to win. With a
> women's class, it is relatively easy to police the people who are allowed to
> enter.
> With a SO class, who is eligible. If you wanted to take an "easy" trophy,
> you could bring your SO with you and claim that he was the main competitor
> and you were the SO.
> If I show up without an SO, can I drive in the class because I am a crappy
> driver?
> Unless you make the SO class a sideshow that is just for fun, you need to
> clean up a lot of messy details.
> As Pat Washburn has pointed out, we have a class called Special Interest
> locally. Anyone can drive any car in it. No season records are kept. In
> order to keep someone from permanently sitting in it to pick up trophies (a
> first place trophy is given out if there are three competitors), you are
> kicked out of the class when you get a trophy.