For the Petersburg ProSolo, Virginia Motorsports Park has a campground
right behind it. Picture Lake Campgrounds, or something like that. I
believe it's owned by the same folks. Never stayed there because I live
so close, but with a name like that, how bad could it be? =-)
Give VMP a call for details: 804/730-0058 and 804/732-7223
Jon Felton, Director
NASA Virginia Region
next VMP autocross: April 18 (Come dial in your g-Forces for the
more info:
>2) Has anybody got any leads on good camping areas (with showers and
>facilities) near Ft. Myers, Peru, Harrisburg, and Richmond? There's a
lot of
>money to be saved by not using hotels (The place we used in Ft Myers was
$100 a
>night - yow!) and the back of the 'burban is conducive to camping, but
>better half insists on having access to running water. :)