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"Ronin," high beams - More non-autox content

To: "Wes Shew" <>, "Team dot net" <>
Subject: "Ronin," high beams - More non-autox content
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 09:58:31 -0400
>Just rented the video because many listers recommended it for the car
>chases. I'd rate the chases 8/10. Takes place in France. But couldn't
>figure out why the chased BMW 3 or 5 series when flashing its high beams
>in daylight (all headlights off), only the inside 2 headlights (H-1's)of
>the 4 headlight system flash. When you flash to pass don't all 4
>headlights light, at least they do on my Scirocco Mark 1.

Excellent movie - well, to be more specific, excellent if you see it
specifically for the car chases.  To me, it was basically some cool chases
looking for a movie to give them a reason to exist. :)

As for the beautiful M5 they destroyed, that's actually how the European
versions are designed.  The low beams are only low beams, and stay on just
as they are when you turn on the high beams.  In the U.S. the "low beams"
also have a high beam filament.  That, plus the inner high beams all turn on
together when you hit the brights in a U.S. spec car.  But the Euro versions
only have the low beam filament in the low beam.  So only the inner lights
flashing was perfectly in place for a Euro spec M5.

How do I know all this?  I wish I had an M5, but a lot of Euro versions of
my 320i (mostly 6 cylinder versions - all we ever officially got was the 4
in my car) made it over to the States on the greymarket.  Some were modified
for various U.S. specs, some weren't, and there's a lot of discussion among
enthusiasts of these cars as to how you can tell a Euro car from a U.S. one.
This is one way.

    - Justin

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