Well, I just received a "set" of four 205-55-14 Kumhos from the fine folks
at the Tire Rack. Three marked as rights and one marked as a left. There
have been a number of posts here from individuals who received 4 right
tires wondering what the deal was. Now I am aware that the manufacturing
process for these tires had changed such that mounting is no longer side
dependant. There is one part number for both sides. They are all the
same. It is completely safe. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
What I want to know is where did this one left tire come from? I had the
impression that all new Kumhos were marked as rights (not known fact, just
my impression... I don't know where I got this idea, I may be completely
wrong, all standard disclaimers apply). I was actually expecting a set of
4 rights. If I received a "leftie", is this an older tire, or does the
same "everything is ok" footnote apply to this one as well?
And can anyone provide a little assistance with pressure settings for
these tires on a Neon ACR?
Steve Couture (rhymes with future)
1998 Neon ACR
Seen on a bumper sticker: "Is anal retentive spelled with a hyphen?"