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Re: SP Proposal ,Taking back apology

Subject: Re: SP Proposal ,Taking back apology
From: Joshua Hadler <>
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 16:01:07 -0700
Adam Popp wrote:
> Hello Josh! This is Adam again, remember me. Hey remember when you said
> to me that you didn't say A/SP was the best class, but the quickest!
> Well I saw in this message that you said something like A/SP is the top
> of SP category and that sounds like you meant the best to me! There's a
> couple of other things, that I want to talk about to like....

        Geez Adam, a little testy today are we? ASP has a significantly higher
index than BSP, that's all. I never implied that ASP is better than BSP,
just capapble of turning quicker times. What do you want me to say next?
That H-Stock is the best class? Lighten up friend, I'm simply pointing
out that while BSP is a great class, with lots of talented drivers, ASP
is considered the quickest/top of the SP category.

> > >         Find me -any- ASP car that's fully prepared for way under $20k. 
> > > or not. I don't think it can be done. The point is, and I think we can
> > > all acknowledge this, ASP is an expensive class. The fact that the Lotus
> > > Elan is still such a good car for the class is a testament to the
> > > quality of the car and the skill of its drivers.
> >
>  I would like to see you say that to Craig Carr, Charles Cave or Rex
>  Carle. I'm sure they love there Lotus Elans, but it depends upon the
>  drivers skills to win.

And your point is?... Of course it takes a driver to win. I never
implied otherwise. Scotty's the one who's saying that Lotus drivers
aren't up to the snuff of Curt or Shauna. Is that right scotty? I'd
really hate to misquote you here. 

> > > >    If it is hard to get for the average racer wether it because of 
>price or
> > > > pure numbers of cars still living the issue should remain the same no 
> > > > the reason!
> > >
> >        Then let's go out an ban all old and rare sports cars! Morgan? Gone.
> >  TVR? Gone. 356 Carerra? Gone. Shelby Cobra? Gone. Mini Cooper? Gone.
> >Split window Vette? Gone.
> Or your '74 914?

Not exactly, a 914 is pretty easy to come by.
> > >        Come on Scotty, we all play on the same track, and we all play in 
>the same club. We've got to make a place for anyone who wants to play. You  
>managed to find a place for yer big ol' Karvette to play. If you feel there 
>are other "too slow" cars in ASP, then petition to bump 'em down into BSP with 
>all the rest of ya. ASP is the top of the SP category,
>  Uh, oh! look what I found in the above sentence! Plus you spelled
> corvette wrong.

Oh wow! You caught me. But ya better blame Scotty, he's been spellin'
that way for ages.
> > >         I do feel that SP needs another class, but that's a topic for a
> > > different subject line...
>  So Josh do you really want to play Hardball.  Oh, and about the SP
> proposal. They won't move the Fiat X19's to C/SP because they moved the
> old Mazdas from D/SP to C/SP a year or so a go. Do you want to go to
> A/SP because those Honda CRX's and Mazdas are beaten you all the time.
> If you love A/SP so much why don't you get a car that's classed in A/SP
> and compete with them.

        What the hell are you talking about? So what if the mazdas and hondas
beat me! Who give's a flip! I'll be the first to admit that my 914 is
way underprepared for the class, and I make no pretentions whatsoever of
being a better driver than Elam, Kuhns, Norgaard or the rest of the CSP
front runners. Maybe someday, but that day is not now. Give it a rest.  

        And just becasue I care to get involved in a discussion that involves a
class or classes that I currently am not competing in, doesn't mean that
I want to drive in that class. Ease up pal.

>         And by the way Scotty, I'm not bias, I like watching A/SP and
> that classe's top guys battle it out. Some of them are fun to watch.

My point exactly.

> This year Scotty, I will be autocrossing a '86 vette in B/SP and I'm
> pretty good myself. And if Daniel went to the nationals last year he
> would of have won.

Woulda, coulda, shoulda. We'll never know. 

> Josh saying that the B/SP corvettes have no chance in
> hell against the top cars in A/SP is bs. My brother beat a few of the
> top A/SP cars at the pro solos in '97 when B/SP and A/SP were in the
> same class together (ISP).

        Adam, we all know that ProSolo is alot different than Solo2. The launch
counts for quite a bit, and I have no doubt that a big block Vette can
out launch a flyweight Lotus Elan. Does that mean that Danny is any
better or worse of a driver? No. It simply means that may have been
driving a better car for that form of competition. My 914 is ideally
suited for launching off a ProSolo start. I have out launched CSP M3's a
number of times. But then they grab 2nd gear and leave my behind like I
was stuck in reverse. Does that mean that my car is better or worse? I
dunno, my who cares? I like my car, and if it weren't going to be down a
season for a new engine, I'd be driving it at every event from here to
Topeka. But alas, I'm not. I'll still drive something though, I love
autox, and -all- the cars that are in it.

> I'm not saying Daniel is the fastest man in
> the world Mr. Hung, but he is pretty damn close when it comes down to
> autocrossing. And that's the bottom line, because Adam Popp said so!!!

Oh! Well that's different! :-)

Joshua Hadler    '74 914 2.0 CSP/Bi - Hooligan Racing #29 - CONIVOR
                 '87 Quantum Syncro - aka stealth quattro

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