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Beginner questions - I read the FAQ ;-)

Subject: Beginner questions - I read the FAQ ;-)
From: "Steven N. Burkett" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 11:42:47 -0600 (CST)
April 11th will be my first-ever autocross (St. Louis region).  I have
read the faq, and Kate Hughes' wonderful handbook, but have a few
remaining questions regarding preparation.

Please keep in mind that I intend to jump in headfirst, and drive in every
local event this season.  Next year, who knows, but I want to give it a
real try.

The questions ( answers to any or all greatly appreciated! ):

1)  Where can I get magnetic numbers, and how many digits do I need?  A
friend, also a newbie, will be joining me.  Is there any leniency in
number assignment so that he can borrow "leftovers?"  Ideally, someplace I
can order online.  (I know I can use shoepolish, but would prefer to go
ahead and get the numbers).

2)  I am currently completely ignorant of my cars handling limits.  I know
they greatly exceed my driving ability ('93 RX-7).  My plan is to start
slow, possibly embarrassingly so, and stay within my comfort zone for my
first few runs, gradually increasing the degree to which I push it.  Is
this a good or bad plan?  Other tips here?

3)  Any additional hints on etiquette and culture out there?  I will
happily accept being embarrassed by my times and/or lack of driving
ability, but really don't want to make an (ahem) of myself.

Thanks in advance!

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