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Re: Lightening up

To: Justin Hughes <>
Subject: Re: Lightening up
From: Mike Bultemeier <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 11:30:05 -0600
I think there could be another twist or two.

1. All cars must ressemble the "Cars" from the original Mad Max movie.

2. The area just in front of the gas truck should have a number of burning
safety flares to promote ignition.

3. The area just in front of the concrete wall of doom should contain at least a
half a
dozen Serbian land mines.

4. the  flaming pit must fueled with Napalm so it sticks to the cars on exit(The
one that make it)

5. Borrow the bridge Ted Kennedy used at Martha's vinyard and install it
somewhere on the course.

6. Put Mr.XXXXXXX  from KC as the Chair of the event.

Now thats perfect!
Mike B. TLS#1

Justin Hughes wrote:

> In light of all this discussion on safe and unsafe courses, I came up with
> this design idea I wanted to run by you and see what you think.
> OK, first you have a wide open start and shoot down a straightaway.  Then,
> just before the gasoline truck parked on the other end of the lot is a sharp
> 90 degree right.  You go down another long straight which turns into a giant
> slalom.  Get a little tank slapping action going on, and you can take all
> the gates sideways if you want - they'll be wide enough.  At the end of that
> we'll throw in the hairpin by the concrete wall we've been talking about -
> the slalom will slow you down enough for it, right?  Then another long
> straightaway, except this time you take a jump over a 100 foot long fire
> pit.  You'll have to be going at least 80mph to clear it.  Hang a sharp left
> (or fall into the bottomless pit just outside the turn), cross the finish,
> and come to a stop inside the box, which is actually a cage containing a
> hungry Bengal tiger.  Get out of your car and exit the cage with your life
> and all your limbs intact (minor bites and scratches are acceptable).  If
> you don't make it out, it's a DNF.
> So what do you think? :)
>     - Justin

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