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Re: Autocross Speed and Safety

Subject: Re: Autocross Speed and Safety
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 13:16:10 EST
In a message dated 3/29/99 11:36:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< A BMW 320is with R1s got loose in a 7 cone slalom (speed about 35 mph),
 didn't give up the run, tried to get back to the cone and flipped (driver
 received a minor scratch).>>
     (Yep, those sticky tires add to the danger on many cars. R.E.)

Then, Ben continues:
 <<Upper limit speeds on a course aren't a real problem IF it is done in a
 straight line followed by a nice straight braking zone for the next
 corner. Many course designers mistakenly believe that throwing curves in
 a straight will slow things down, but many times these "offsets" are much
 more dangerous than that wide-open straight. >>

     How true. So many times we have run on an oval with the
course designer putting off sets on the back straight to
"slow the cars down" and that is exactly where several (so many  over
the years I have lost count) have lost it and smacked the wall.

Ray Elliott

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