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Re: Todays Trivial Tour Tips

Subject: Re: Todays Trivial Tour Tips
From: "Joe Goeke" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 00:20:13 PST
I remember that monsoon ;-).  Made Seattle look like the desert ;-).  
The stream of water running down the pavement was bad enought, but to 
have the main gutter fill to the level of a small river in the middle of 
the course was, well... unparalleled.  Just goes to show what we will 
race in ;-).  I remember running the course, and when you hit the river, 
you had about a second or more of complete loss of visablity, even with 
the wippers on full.  I had memorixed the turn right after it, and as 
soon as I hit the water, I waited a tad and then just turned in without 
being able to see, just knowing what was next.  Mckamey Phase II all the 
way ;-).

>From: Randy Chase <>
>Reply-To: Randy Chase <>
>To: Glenn Duensing <>
>CC: Perry Kincy <>, autocross <>
>Subject: Re: Todays Trivial Tour Tips
>Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:28:22 -0800
>Ahhh..the trash bags. This has become one of those memories, like those
>war veterans might share years after, recalling the horrors...and
>I have no rain gear. I live in San Diego. I didn't even have trash 
>On my runs, I had my windows rolled down when I hit the main river. A
>wave of muddy water came in my car and totally soaked me. The hand
>depression in the door was filled to the brim with water.
>I remember standing *near* a tarp (rain was kinda horizontal) and being
>fully soaked and freezing and thinking about my choice of hobbies.
> it type this, the local news if forecasting rain ALL Weekend. 
>Randy Chase (have trash bags, will autocross)
>'91 MR2 CS

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