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Thanks Cal Club folks

To: "autox" <>
Subject: Thanks Cal Club folks
From: "taro" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:26:11 -0500
This is somewhat of a personal note in the form of a public
acknowledgement.  About a week-and-a-half ago, I asked for help on
in finding a local event to run in Southern CA.  Several people responded
and helped tremendously.  I'd like to thank them here:

Thanks to Randy Walters, Judy Becker, Tom Smith, Randy Chase, and Rich
Perry for all your assistance and info.  And, last but certainly not least,
special thanks goes to Richard Pilfold for allowing me to co-drive his
beautiful silver BSP 240Z...thanks Richard, it was a riot!  (Go get 'em at
the tour Richard!)

The folks in CSCC made me feel right at home and Richard was an incredible
host.  At the risk of sounding a little corny, the greatest part of this
sport has got to be the people!  The CSCC crew were great and made my trip
to San Diego complete.  For those of you that haven't experienced their gotta go!  The course at Norton was very "national-esque" and
about 70 seconds in duration.  Loads of fun!  Thanks CA Club and thanks
again to Richard Pilfold for his help and generosity.

-Tim Aro
 Richmond, VA

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