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stock class question

Subject: stock class question
From: Alek Tziortzis <>
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 09:48:08 -0600
On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Eric Linnhoff wrote:
> Here's a nutty question for y'all.  How many Stock Class champions truly
> have their cars prepped to the max per the rule book?  Particularly the
> smaller like, shall we say, DS cars.  ;^)

Well I can say this certainly for Fstock. 
FStock cars generally have too much horsepower for their chassis.
you have to feather the throttle out of most corners to avoid spining
or both wheels. So, in my opinion, 20 horsepower is not going to buy you
Id gladly give up 30 hp for 1 inch wider rim size.

Alex Tziortzis 
Senior Engineer
Wireless Access Technology Research
Motorola Labs

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