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Re: Hooked on Phonics

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Hooked on Phonics
From: Bret Dodson <>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 13:38:49 -0800 (PST)
With a name like Bret Dodson, you'd think I'd have little trouble with
name goofiness - other than "How many Ts?"  For some reason, my name is
hard to pronounce.  Must be something with the placement of the consanants
or something.  

I have very good diction.  People often accuse me of being British because
I speak so clearly.  I had a radio theatre show for a while and do voice
overs.  I'm reasonably confident in my ability to say clearly and audibly.

Whenever I introduce myself, "Hi, I'm Bret Dodson", people respond, "Well
hello there Fred."

I've been called:Fred Johnson (um okay)
                Brad Jackson (what?)
                Bread Dawson (Are you crazy?)
                Jack Doson (sigh...)
                Red Dobson (got any tabacee?)

The only way I can get people to hear my name correctly is if I bite the
"T" at the end of my first name, pause a half beat and say my last name as
clearly and with as much emphasis on the "D"s as possible.  People either
look slightly pissed at me like I'm belittling them or look accepting and
congratulatory at me as I'm obviously "damaged" in some way to be talking
so awkwardly.

Bret Dodson
He's been taking care of himself for quite some time now, and his parents
are very proud.

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