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Re: Hoosier v G-Force v Kumho

To: Teamdotnet <>
Subject: Re: Hoosier v G-Force v Kumho
From: Greg Lee <>
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 10:03:08 -0600
At 09:27 AM 03/04/1999 -0500, Matt Murray wrote:
>Anyone from the Meridian Tour have any interesting comparision of our

Meridian marked a lot of firsts for me.  I ran the McKamey school and the
flood (4th heat on Saturday) on Kumhos, and ran Sunday on gForce.  And it
was the first event in two years for me, and in a new car (1st gen MR2 to a
98 Camaro Z28 - talk about adjustment!)

The Kumhos wore like iron.  I made 50+ 35 second runs at the McKamey school
and three runs on Saturday.  The Kumhos are just now getting "right".  The
gForce has exceptional if not surprising turn in compared to the Kumhos.
It's like driving with a razor.  Grip is exceptional right up to the break
away point, and then it is GONE.  The Kumhos are much more forgiving, don't
seem as precise,  but really hang in there.  They seem, In my opinion, to
be suited to a high horsepower car and/or less precise and experienced
(read "sucky") drivers like myself.  With only three dry runs on the
gForce's, a determination of wear could not be made.

The idea set up may be gForce on the front and Kumho on the rear.  I'll try
it at my next local event.

Meridian as a whole - EXCELLENT and I say that after getting my truck stuck
in the mud then being slammed in the side before the Saturday party by a
local without insurance.

The +'s:  1) site & surface, 2) community and local business involvement,
3) course design, 4) overall event organization, and 5) John Thomas
everywhere doing everything

The deltas (opportunity for improvement): 1) registration, 2) Saturday
party location size, 3) grid, 4) signage or maps of the event site - i.e.
how to get in and out, where to paddock, etc.

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