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Re: Hooked on Phonics (was Intro and Questions)

To: <>
Subject: Re: Hooked on Phonics (was Intro and Questions)
From: "Racer---X" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 22:33:23 -0500
My name, Michael Karp, seems simple enough, doesn't it? Last name is an
innocent four letters (Hmmmm, so I'm a four letter word.........), first
name is common, how could anyone screw it up? Easy!! Nobody seems able to
spell it right (Micheal, Mickel, And of course CARP), and every time I order
a pizza, it's Micheal Kemp, or Cart, or Kelp. Best of all was one letter I
got from school when I was a naughty boy, "To the parents of MICHAEL KRAP"

        Michael Karp
(Damnit, can't anyone spell?!?!?!?)

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