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Mirrors & Batteries

To: "''" <>
Subject: Mirrors & Batteries
From: Richard Pilfold <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 15:26:16 -0800
I'm a Team dot newbie and feeling my way, so excuse if I'm
beating a dead horse, or being obnoxious. But, following the
thread of "rear view mirror" I wondered why no one mentioned
that maybe, just maybe,the reason "ya cant take yer mirror orf"
is that Denver, in its infinite wisdom, decided that, because, in
some cars it is very difficult (mirror glued to windshield, etc.)
to temporarily remove said rear view apparatus that, in the 
interest of "equality" no one be allowed to remove their mirror
and gain a visual advantage.
Anyway this all got me to reading the 1999 Rules and I came 
upon 14.9B "The make, model number and size of battery may
be changed but not its voltage" ----No mention of weight!! Does
this mean the new battery must weigh the same as the OEM
battery, and I can't lay a neat little 20lb. Varley on its side 
behind the seats?
Richard Pilfold -C.S.C.C.  BSP #2

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