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Re: Removable Rearview, unsafe at any speed

Subject: Re: Removable Rearview, unsafe at any speed
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 14:20:08 EST
In a message dated 2/25/99 10:50:54 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

 Now the catch here is the phrase "truly unsafe". I'm sure that someone out
 might be able to frame an argument for subframe connectors in terms of
safety, >>
  AAAA,,,,,,Yea, thats it....... not replacing the chain tensioners on an
early 911 with Carrera tensioners is UNSAFE! because when the stock ones fail,
it could cause the engine to lock up, causing the rear wheels to lock up,
causing the 911 to spin out of control and slam into turn workers, burst into
flames and cause a major delay to the event while the bodies are collected and
the flames extinguished!.................YEA..........THATS THE TICKET!
      Curt (ok, im a smart ass) Ormiston

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