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Re: removeable Rearview

To: Josh Sirota <>
Subject: Re: removeable Rearview
From: Joshua Hadler <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 00:45:09 -0600
Josh Sirota wrote:
> 13.2 Bodywork
> A. Accessories, gauges, indicators, lights and other appearance, comfort
> and convenience modifications which have no effect on
>      performance and/or handling and do not materially reduce the weight
> of the car are permitted. This does not allow driver's seat
>      substitutions. Delayed shutdown devices such as the "Turbo Timer",
> which perform no function while the car is in motion, are
>      permitted.  This does permit the installation of an additional
> mirror (e.g. a "Wink"), but does not allow the removal of
>      the original mirror.

        I'm going to take a step back and not look at the written word, but at 
rule. While it does say that it does not allow the removal of the original
mirror (and certainly it's a performance advantage), it may be possible that
scope of the rule was not written with removable mirrors in mind. Clearly,
other easilly removable items can be taken out of the car, such as floor mats
etc. Yes, it's big stretch to go from floor mats to mirrors. And the wording
of the rule does specifiy mirrors, I think it might be worht requesting a
clarification. The mirror is easilly removable with out the use of any special
tools. It clips in and clips out, apparently designed for ease of removal by
someone other than a factory tech, who would have access to whatever special
tool was designed for mirror removal.

        Certainly the rules imply it's illegal, but the nature of the mirror 
begs the question.


Joshua Hadler    '74 914 2.0 CSP/Bi - Hooligan Racing #29 - CONIVOR
                 '87 Quantum Syncro - aka stealth quattro

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